explore kodak tri-x (229)

welfare for billionaires fortywelfare for billionaires thirty-ninewelfare for billionaires thirty-eightwelfare for billionaires thirty-sevenwelfare for billionaires thirty-sixwelfare for billionaires thirty-fivewelfare for billionaires thirty-fourwelfare for billionaires thirty-threechicago belting company twofarm to table burgersmeat for today's lifestylebirds and flowersritually cleanbreakfastclassic brick constructionmillions of optionssporty bird oneplotting birdsaperskeleton twodirty dogs detail fourdirty dogs detail threeblossomingsomething in my eyeunder renovation sevenbronyrifficperfect to make a future project of luxury condo twoperfect to make a future project of luxury condo onefuture hipster storagecracked fourla cie cenco importdeux balconson a rollgrotesque sixfrench poodlethe english pugevitato happen with joycanal 404epic tonguemega catangry cloudsthe return of quinquela eightthe return of quinquela sevensquiggle detailwolf sevenwolf sixfantastical bicycle rider fourhello alternatesailor threefantastical bicycle rider threefantastical bicycle rider versus houses twofantastical bicycle rider versus houses onefantastical bicycle rider twoflower and character twoflower and character onetiny housestbdtbdtbdtbdpartial columns onegiltbdmattalditbdcoronadosolid advicethird eyevery fragilewashed up rocker alternatenestled bobberstep back in timeprobably a doorthere is no substitute oneswagger wagon fiveswagger wagon fourparking twoevery day we make itsub sandwicheslost running companiondetail of somethingtbdjellyfish twodefinitely not fishnot a fish twonot a fish oneupscale barber shopabove and beyond fourrocking outalways hand-cutgray scale bug onetakeoutthere i fixed it onemitchell street branchhome style cooking fourgeneral and cosmetic dentistry threeview from the top twoview from the top onebusted truck threebusted car twenty-threebusted truck twobusted car twenty-twoformer shoe store twolost and found fivelost and found fourgood advicenot likelyhelpsmilefounded by germans twofounded by germans detail twofounded by germans detail onean american masquerade sixtribute to vivian maierwaiting for an occupantdrivers wanted twoTBDTBDTBDTBDTBD detailTBDTBDTBDTBDchiefspeed-streamamerica's family car twostacked and angledseventeen point sixpremium offeringTBDTBDTBDmemorial flowers twomemorial flowers onecross with flowersremembrance candlesTBDjazigo mancelTBDTBDdefeating the french oneflying suacerequestrian statue with ridercabaz do infante garrafeiraguimarãesspace for rentgiraffe twonova coleçãoporta umunrivaled winejanela redondaohioazulejo vinte e seispatterns on a mausoleum wreathesTBDgreek to meneon bible threedecaying decorative detailTBDTBDinmanmclincone haydenTBDback alley twoanimal houseuniversal symbol of excellence threenobody threedrippinga house on a hillmural detail threemural detail twomural detail oneghost on the wall threea hole in the facademess of a networkon the beach thirty-fouron the beach thirty-threeon the beach thirty-twoon the beach thirty-onemagnificent beyond all expectations twoone fell outstylish quad headlightslandau topillusions of somedayunsafe at any speed fourunsafe at any speed threeneeds repaintedimplied treeresting after a hard lifechrome stripewaiting for the endthe heartbeat of america twothe heartbeat of america onebuilt ford tough threenew doors opened oneempty and forgotten fourempty and forgotten threeempty and forgotten twoempty and forgotten oneopen doors and heartsuntitledmarsk twountitlednapieranna kinggeorge kingdawesnew age suppliesenglish brown alesitting on a lettermister totempainted doorwayskullshakemore eloquent than words twomore eloquent than words onerestoration project tworestoration project one??ahense sixtrusted in three centuries twotrusted in three centuries onebossorthotics and prosthetics
aspherical: i hate people, but i'm in it for the audience

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