explore portugal (458)

rage against the bankerssippin'alligatorm. chat onesmirksmugcontradictoryboring modernityinterfaceverging on ludicrous twoverging on ludicrous onethe big housefree parkingverdantinlaidlagoamemorializing carnationslady godiva twolady godiva onefloresrosaamareloporta dilapidadorosessgeraldosan marcosdecorated wallTBDinfluentialportal to medieval timesportal to medieval times detailsports worldwall overviewwall detail threewall detail twowall detail oneagencia centralneeds refurbishedtrês irmãsnever ending salecivic decorationrefurbishedclosed on sundaymodern elaboration of space threemodern elaboration of space twomodern elaboration of space onevarandamonument to fiat currency twopastelpaint it whitedes voitures à vivrelove deathroyal fisheuphoricballoon headwind blowngiraffe sixgiraffesgiraffe fivegiraffe fourgiraffe threegato doméstico doisgato doméstico umhang onshaman tenshaman nineshaman eightshaman sevenshaman sixstonedpostcardmeditationvarandasstreetscapenuvenssquare wavecloverinnpink and yellowpink, yellow, green, and blueparede de flores memorativode limapachecoTBDazulejo vinte e noveporta doisTBDimpliedferreiaraunkownTBDTBDTBDmemorial flowers twomemorial flowers onecross with flowersremembrance candlesTBDjazigo mancelTBDTBDdefeating the french fivedefeating the french fourdefeating the french threedefeating the french twodefeating the french oneflying suacerequestrian statue with ridercabaz do infante garrafeiraguimarãesspace for rentgiraffe twonova coleçãoporta umunrivaled winejanela redondaohiolanguishing in roomsour lady of mount carmel twoazulejo vinte e oitoenergy efficient laundryfestivechristmas tilesazulejo vinte e setecolossal theaterlittle fellowporta detalhenot gryphinsLa Belle Époque TrêsLa Belle Époque DoisLa Belle Époque Umleaving coimbramint green facadeprobably fancy long agolift upmedicinal studiesanonymous alcovemaskpreserved from surrounding unpleasantnessazulejo vinte e seismonastery of the holy cross sevenmonastery of the holy cross sixmonastery of the holy cross fivemonastery of the holy cross fourmonastery of the holy cross threemonastery of the holy cross twomonastery of the holy cross onea break in the hardscape twoa break in the hardscape oneventilationcathedral of the holy name of jesusdecorated portalthree for the price of onepoetryhistoryphilosophylooking over coimbrapalace gateoldest in portugal twooldest in portugal onecasa da livrariaeastern facadewandering throughflowers versus portoflowers versus flowersbright stripes versus flowersbright stripesfalling into the riverplaquelooking up at sé do portoigreja de santo antónio dos congregados and a flowershaman and flowerspigeons and flowersgravity failureclownmunicipal buildingsideways portholestwenty after elevenbeginning of the rollview of porto doisview of porto umhenry the navigatorzany hatpedro ivcherubsportholescommanding viewazulejo vinte e cincoazulejo vinte e quatroprisão quatroprisão trêsprisão doisprisão umvaranda aleatórioazulejo vinte e trêsazulejo vinte e diosazulejo vinte e umazulejo vintemess on a wall onearesmtilting at windmillsgiraffe oneshaman fiveshaman fourtwo shamansesplendorunderutilizedour lady of pilar twoour lady of pilar onetreefellow with a groovy hatwaving womanshaman threekeep outvery belovedchurch of saint ildefonso threechurch of saint ildefonso twochurch of saint ildefonso onesaint anthony's church twosaint anthony's church onebonitobrown towerred, blue, and yellowsuperdrydepartment storeour lady of mount carmel onebenedictine commutersresting on the sidewalksy8efishexplosionshaman twoowlchickentjellyfishturkeyshaman onefortificationfortification detailmonument to fiat currency oneeighteenth centuryhater from decatursix miles twosix miles onemaking use of the space twomaking use of the space oneholy spiritconvent of great poverty alternateconvent of great povertyTBDclaustrophobiayellow racing stripegrimy twogrimy oneanother park, another monument twoanother park, another monument oneresting in the parkprobably dedicated to jupiter fiveprobably dedicated to jupiter fourprobably dedicated to jupiter threeprobably dedicated to jupiter twoprobably dedicated to jupiter onesomewhere in the cloister twosomewhere in the cloister onerelief tworelief onegothic apostlesstanding on the terracedetail of the cathedralstanding in the courtyardmysterious entrancesome sort of monument to somethingview from miradouro de são pedro de alcântara doisview from miradouro de são pedro de alcântara umDuetsche BankJardim Botânico da Universidade de Lisboabasilica of the sacred heart of jesus sixbasilica of the sacred heart of jesus fivebasilica of the sacred heart of jesus fourbasilica of the sacred heart of jesus threebasilica of the sacred heart of jesus twobasilica of the sacred heart of jesus oneantero de quentalflower (o despertar)deluxewinged lionsconvento de jesus tresconvento de jesus doisconvento de jesus umquecreepy crawly babyto the leftshocking skullpattern on a windownauticalknottedheld over from the pastsuspenseflowing hairunquietnesswatching and screamingazulejo dezenoveazulejo dezoitoneeds a bit of workrooftop viewing deckdubious legalityhello kittyahemazelive alone in a paradiseview of the regaleira castle twoview of the regaleira castle oneentrada capelaview from the regaleira castleregaleira towerview from the towerfiercedragonsdragon detail twodragon detail oneelaborate system of caveselaborate panelingsymbolismsummer clothesdining room decorationmantle decorationsitting area twositting area onepurpose unclearentradaazulejo dezessetecurrently drysaídaazulejo dezesseisazulejo quinzeazulejo quatorzeazulejo trezebull fights and executionsprobably fancy oncenoble entrance twonoble entrance oneequestrian statueglazier neededimported from francejustice, wisdom, strength, and moderationTBDTBDlost in the alfama oneazulejo dozesaint george's castle sixsaint george's castle fivesaint george's castle foursaint george's castle threesaint george's castle twosaint george's castle onedecorating the castleview from saint george's castleazulejo onzeazulejo dezazulejo novehouse of worship with a viewlighthousehighest in the city fourhighest in the city threehighest in the city twohighest in the city onestohands up twohands up onepaint it purplepaint it redazulejo oitoazulejo setebottle cap portraittotolotocharacters decorating a buildingsplash of lifesolid grapeshello there threehello there twohello there oneblow up your televisionbacksideyeps detailyeps twopintado janelameal, ready to eatart housecrisegwyepyeps oneyela aylinsixa porthole of sortsarched entryback alley fourback alley threecurvilinearlady at the poolevolution of energypine needlesknightpeople watchingafonso de albuquerque twoafonso de albuquerque onewest portal towerwest portal detailgargoyle threecoluna trescoluna doiscoluna umdetailed stonework twodetailed stonework oneinterior detailazulejo seisazulejo cincoarchwaygargoyle twodecorated archdecorative water featuredecorated columnshield twoshield onehelmet and shieldholding up the ceilingsome more detailsdetails on a doorway twodetails on a doorway onedois torrestower on a cornercloister detail twocloister detail onethree towers twothree towers onesouth portalsouth portal detail onepatina of the centuriesazulejo quatroazulejo tresazulejo doisazulejo umimposing barrierportuguese authorsfancy boutique tres varandasdois janelasa monument to something or otheryeepsuper bird? detail? detailking catsnack rightsnack leftlcbs?e??the doctor is in
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