explore unesco world heritage site (74)

three for the price of onepoetryhistoryphilosophycasa da livrariahenry the navigatorprobably dedicated to jupiter fiveprobably dedicated to jupiter fourprobably dedicated to jupiter threeprobably dedicated to jupiter twoprobably dedicated to jupiter onesomewhere in the cloister onerelief tworelief onegothic apostlesstanding on the terracedetail of the cathedralstanding in the courtyardview of the regaleira castle twoview of the regaleira castle oneentrada capelaview from the regaleira castleregaleira towerview from the towerfiercedragonsdragon detail twodragon detail oneelaborate system of caveselaborate panelingsymbolismsummer clothesdining room decorationmantle decorationentradaazulejo dezessetecurrently drysaídaazulejo dezesseisazulejo quinzeazulejo quatorzeazulejo trezewest portal towerwest portal detailgargoyle threecoluna trescoluna doiscoluna umdetailed stonework twodetailed stonework oneinterior detailazulejo seisazulejo cincoarchwaygargoyle twodecorated archdecorative water featuredecorated columnshield twoshield onehelmet and shieldholding up the ceilingsome more detailsdetails on a doorway twodetails on a doorway onedois torrestower on a cornercloister detail twocloister detail onethree towers twothree towers onesouth portalsouth portal detail onepatina of the centuries
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