explore flowers (42)

overgrowing and overwhelmingintoxicated fourangles twobrightly colored landscapingyellow and blackzinniasimpromptu garden twoimpromptu garden onedetail of a woman sixdetail of a woman fivedetail of a woman fourdetail of a woman threedetail of a woman twoorange yellow and blackred yellow and greenred and yellowpink green and redred and greenpink and greenpurple and yellowintoxicated threesell the kids for foodintoxicated twointoxicated oneribbon of consciousness threeribbon of consciousness tworibbon of consciousness onefloresrosescivic decorationmodern elaboration of space threemodern elaboration of space twomodern elaboration of space onea break in the hardscape twodecorating the castleserving the southsplash of yellowup too early fiveup too early fourup too early threeup too early onewagon
aspherical: i hate people, but i'm in it for the audience

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