explore florida (38)

formerly the tallest building in latin americaentertainment centerpiece fourentertainment centerpiece threeentertainment centerpiece twowrought iron verandacenter for plays and musical entertainmenthenry's vision alternatelue gim gongpac-mannot so mellow yellowmost distinguished motorcar twomost distinguished motorcar oneinstant celebrity threeinstant celebrity twoinstant celebrity onered and silverwell wornblue beastshiny valve coversfive hundred horsepowerentertainment centerpiece onedecoration with ivystrangely ephemeralsun's delighttres amigasriverboat landinghenry's visionsafety fast oneunusual serving style fiveunusual serving style fourunusual serving style threeunusual serving style twounusual serving style onegiant gear twogiant gear onesouthern gothic imagery twosouthern gothic imagery oneprobably full of alligators
aspherical: i hate people, but i'm in it for the audience

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